580. George Winston

(June 2024) Episode 580 is GEORGE WINSTON. Back in the 1980s I had a phase with the Windham Hill label, particularly guitarists William Ackerman and Michael Hedges and pianist George Winston. As a student, it was good music to study and relax by. You could let the music transport your mind and mood to a different place, which is what the label was aiming for. This music was later categorized as New Age, although of the more earthy variety. I had Winston’s Autumn and December (both solo piano) in regular rotation, which were effective in evoking a pastoral aura of those seasons. But I hadn’t put on a Windham Hill album in decades. Returning to Winston, I did re-experience the mood but in a rote manner. But with time it comes off as rather vapid. His recordings were more than the “rural folk piano” style he was famous for; Winston liked to do New Orleans-style R&B and also played guitar and harmonica.

Favorite album: Autumn

Favorite song: Colors/Dance

Compared to expectations: same

Recommendation: This can still serve as pleasant relaxing piano music, but it is not going to offer anything more than that.

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